-9 minus +1 is -10.
Negative four
Seven minus a negative six equals a positive one
100 minus -80 is 180.
It depends. (a) a positive minus a smaller positive is positive, (b) a positive minus a positive of the same size is zero, and (c) a positive minus a bigger positive is negative. For example, (a) 8 - 6 = 2 (b) 8 - 8 = 0 (c) 8 - 11 = -3
The same as a positive one. If you are multiplying a positive number by a negative, the answer will be negative. If you are multiplying a negative number by a negative, the answer will be positive.
-9 minus +1 is -10.
8 :)
Negative four
Seven minus a negative six equals a positive one
100 minus -80 is 180.
The simple answer to the question is no, under no circumstances. To work out the right answer for different combinations of signs, read on. When two signs are different, take the smaller number from the bigger number and keep the sign of the bigger number.Let's work out some examples...* minus one (-1) and (plus) another minus one, is minus two (-2) * minus one (-1) minus (take away) one, is also minus two (-2)So if you take away any positive number from a negative number, the result gets more and more negative as the value of the second number increases. Now let's try adding a positive number to a negative number...* minus two (-2) plus one (+1) = minus one (-1) * minus two (-2) plus two (+2) = zero (0) * minus two (-2) plus three (+3) = one (1)So adding a positive number to a minus number only equals a positive number when the value of the positive number is greater than the negative number.
Well, honey, two minus negative one is a piece of cake. When you subtract a negative, it's like adding a positive, so the answer is three. Math can be a real trip sometimes, but this one's a no-brainer.