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a = 4

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Q: What is the answer to 15 - a - 2 equals 2a plus 1?
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Do the problem like this: 2a - 15 = -1 Add 15 to both sides: 2a = (-1) + 15 Simplify 2a = 14 Divide by 2 to get the variable by itself: a = 7 Now, check the problem: 2(7) - 15 = -1 14 - 15 = -1 This is true, so a = 7 is a good solution.

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How do you solve this math problem a squared plus 2a minus 15 equals 0?

a2 + 2a - 15 = 0This can be factorised:a2 + 2a - 15 = (a - 3)(a + 5) = 0So a = 3 and -5.A more robust way is to shove it into the general solution:If αx2 + βx + η = 0, then x = (-β ± √(β2 - 4αγ)) / 2αSo if a2 + 2a - 15 = 0, then:a = (-2 ± √(22 - 4*1*-15)) / 2*1a = (-2±√(64))/2 = (-2±8)/2a = -10/2, 6/2a = -5, 3