The important point to note is that a percentage is that number over 100. Therefore 26.9 can be written as 26.9/100. However this isn't really a fraction yet as the numerator has a decimal. To get rid of this we need to multiply top and bottom by 10. That gives us 269/1000, and as 269 is prime, that's the simplest form. Therefore 26.9% as a fraction is 269/1000
53.8% as a fraction is 269/500.
33% of 269= 33% * 269= 0.33 * 269= 88.77
30% of 269 = 269*30/100 = 80.7
188.3 is 70% of 269.
2.69 = 269/100 in fraction
It is 269/200.
13.45 = 1345/100 or 269/20 in fraction
To convert any decimal to percent, simply multiply the decimal by 100. So, 269 × 100 = 26,900%