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Since you can calculate this in any scientific calculator (or in Excel, typing: = 2^64), it really doesn't make sense to ask that here.

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Q: What is the answer to 2 as the base and 64 as the exponent?
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The two are related. The answer could be base 2, exponent 18 or base 8, exponent 6 or base 10, exponent 5.4185 or base 262144, exponent 1 or base 68,719,476,736 and exponent 0.5

How do i do an exponent?

An exponent involve two numbers. For example: 8 to the power of 2 means 8 x 8 = 64. It can be expressed: 8^2 = 64, or 8² = 64

What is another to express 64?

In exponent terms: 2^6 = 64

When there are 2 exponent question what do you do to the exponents if the base is different?

the base and the laws of exponent

What is the base and exponent of 121?

The base could be 11 and the exponent 2, giving 112 But, it could equally be base = 14641, and exponent = 0.5, or base = 10, and exponent = 2.082785 (approx)