(3 x 7) / (16 x 8) = 21/128. That's the simplest form for this fraction.
Decimals sometimes look neater. If you do the long division for 21/128, you get 0.1640625 .
(3/4)(16/21)(7/10)=(2/5) or 2 over 5, or 2 fifths.
5/16 + 7/16 = 192/256 or 3/4
7/16 x 4/3 x 1/2 = 7/24
3/16+11/16= 14/16 That can be reduced to 7/8
3/4 x 7/12 is 7/16
(3/4)(16/21)(7/10)=(2/5) or 2 over 5, or 2 fifths.
7/16 - 4/16 = 3/16
32 multiplied by 7/16 is 14.
5/16 + 7/16 = 192/256 or 3/4
7/16 x 4/3 x 1/2 = 7/24
17/4 x 27/7 = 459/28 or 16 and 11/28
3/16+11/16= 14/16 That can be reduced to 7/8
(-3/4)*(-1/3) + (7/8)*(-1/2) = (3/4)*(1/3) - (7/8)*(1/2) = 1/4 - 7/16 = 4/16 - 7/16 = -3/16
3 (n + 7) = 16