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Ivan Dominguez

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Q: What is the answer to Claire cut some apples into eighths. she and her friends ate all but 17 pieces. how many whole apples and parts of apples dies she have left over?
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How can you share five apples with seven friends?

Cut each apple into 8 pieces and give each person ( don't forget yourself ) 5 pieces

What is the measure of an apple pie cut in 8 pieces?

Eight eighths of an apple pie!Eight eighths of an apple pie!Eight eighths of an apple pie!Eight eighths of an apple pie!

Where do pieces of apples rotten first?

i think in the middle is where apples rot first

How does Claire coles create her pieces?

she creates her pieces by drawing with stitch with a sewing machine.

How should apples be cut for horses?

Apples are cut into smaller pieces to prevent choke.

Can you feed donkeys apples?

Yes you can feed donkeys apples about one a day. If it is a baby donkey, cut into small pieces.

Can miniature schnauzers have apples?

Miniature schnauzers can have apples, but in small pieces so they cannot choke on it.

Which has larger pieces seven eighths or three fourths?

7/8 is larger than 3/4

A bag contains 6 apples and 4 oranges If you select 5 pieces of fruit without looking how many ways can you get 5 apples?

There is only one way to select 5 apples from the bag since there are only 6 apples available.

Can goldfish eat apples slices?

Yes slice the apple pieces into smaller pieces for your goldfish to swallow it.Feed them fruits and vegetables every 2 days.

How many halves in 8 apples?

Halves means cut into 2 equal pieces. If you cut all the apples into halves then you now have 2 pieces of apple where you used to have 1. And if you have 8 apples cut into 2 pieces then that is the same as: 8 (apples) x 2 (pieces of apple) = 16 halves of apple. Try getting 8 things and cutting them half. Paper works well. Keep the halves or two pieces together. Count all 2 pieces that came from 8 things. There shouldbe 16.

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