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Q: What is the answer to Jazmin has increased her 45 by and 119898 dollars and then spends a third of the entire amount?
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I increased the amount of money in my bank account by earning money.

Is saying he submitted claims to the amount of ten thousand dollars correct?

No. Say "in the amount of ten thousand dollars."

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Jack has twelve dollars in his pocket on Monday, three dollars on Tuesday, ten dollars on Wednesday, eight dollars on Thursday, and two dollars on Friday. What is the average amount of money Jack has in his pocket during the week?

Total amount = 12 (Monday) + 3 (Tuesday) + 10 (Wednesday) + 8 (Thursday) + 2 (Friday) = 35 dollars Number of days = 5 Average amount = Total amount / Number of days = 35 / 5 = 7 dollars Therefore, the average amount of money Jack has in his pocket during the week is 7 dollars.

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The average semi trailer costs about 10 thousand dollars on today's market. This is due to the increased amount of people who want start their career as truck drivers.