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Q: What is the answer to a mathematical problem called?
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What is the name of a sentence that defines the value of the unknowns in a problem is called a?

A sentence which defines a value of variables in a mathematical problem is called a statement. The relationship between variables in a mathematical problem is called a function.

Can someone provide a list of mathematical skill versus mathematical concepts?

I think mathematical skill includes problem solving skill, skill to model and analyzea problem mathematically,

What does solve in mathematical term mean?

It means to work out the answer of a given mathematical problem.

How is mathematical model applied in perennial problem?

The answer depends on what the problem is!

Solving a mathematical problem without the use of paper and pencil calculator or computer is called using math.?

mental math

What is a mathematical product?

The answer to a multiplication problem.

What is a solution to an equation?

It is the answer to a mathematical problem.

What is a mathematical sum?

The answer to an addition problem.

What is a diamond called in mathematical terms?

In mathematical terms it's called a rhombus.

What limitations do mathematical models have as problem solving tools?

There are many limitations that mathematical models have as problem solving tools. There is always a margin of error for example.

What is proper mathematical solving in the mathematical problems?

The steps vary A LOT depending on the specific problem.

What is the proper mathematical steps in solving mathematical problems?

The steps vary A LOT depending on the specific problem.