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Q: What is the answer to box 6 for algebra 2 on mathbits?
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x+2/2 - y+4/ 3 = 43(x+2) - 2(y+4) = 6*43x-2y= 24 - 6 + 83x - 2y = 26....equation1x+y/2 = 1/2+ x-y/33 (x+y) = 3+2(x-y)x + 5y = 3x = 3-5ysubstituting value of x in equation 13 ( 3-5y) -2y = 26- 17y = 26 -9y = -1so x = 3-5yx = 3 - 5 ( -1)x = 8so x=8, y = -1 (answer )