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circumference = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

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Q: What is the answer to circles and circumference?
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A fraction of a circles circumference?

An arc

What is a portion of a circles circumference?

It is an arc

How do you find the circumference of circles?

The circumference of a circle = pi*diametre = 2pi*radius

What circles the earth at its largest circumference?

The equator.

If Two different circles have same circumference?

Then they are similar.

How is pi used to find circumference of circles?

Pi times the diameter of a circle gives its circumference.

What is the ratio to any circles circumference to the diameter?

The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is Pi. (3.14159)

What is the circumference of UK in miles?

Okay, for starters, circumference is used only for circles and spheres. the UK is neither so therefore it has no circumference.

How big of circles can you calculate their circumference?

Any circle's circumference can be calculated with the formula 2(pi)*radius

What is a part of the circumference of a circle called?

Circumference is a special name for a circles perimeter. I think the answer you are looking for is radious.

How do you do cercomference?

The circumference of a circle can be calculated using the formula C = 2 * π * r, where r is the radius of the circle. Or you can use C = π * d, where d is the diameter of the circle. Just plug in the values of r or d to find the circumference.

Can you find the area of a square if you have the circumference?

Circumfrences are only for circles.