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try entering either of these two codes ID10t or A55h01e

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Q: What is the answer to level 52 for fill the pot in logic game box?
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What is the answer to level 41 for fill the pot in logic game box?

Put the pot under the main piping and simply put a horizontal pipe, elbow, vertical pipe, elbow, horizontal pipe.

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What is the answer to logic game box cookies level 56?

Very sadly, and unfairly, I think the amswer is to fork out more money ($4.99) to unlock all levels. Not cool Appzap!!

How do you solve level 64 in labyrinth in logic game box?

You follow the way the hole box goes and then u split it up to get the hole shape and it's really easy really u just really need to focus

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on the game " you are a box?"

What is the answer to level 71 for fill the pot in logic game box?

Left most pipe route it with 5 down pipes and place a right elbow to fill bottom container. 3rd pipe from left, route it with 5 down pipes, right elbow, 2 vertical pipes, up elbow, up pipe and left elbow to fill container in 3rd row from bottom. 2nd pipe from right, route it with down pipe and right elbow to fill the caontainer in bottom right corner.

What is the answer to logic game box labyrinth level 66?

7 up 6 down turn right up 2 down 3 turn left up 2 up 3 left 2

What is the answer to level 38 for fill the pot in logic game box?

place one pot directly under the middle right 3, and the other 3 in the middle touching the bottom. on the first 3 which water comes out put a right elbow, then and up then a left then the straight tube. on the far right spout put a left elbow, then an up, then a left. Hope this helped!!

How do you do level 9 on labyrinth on logic box for Iphone?

You simply put your mind to it and do other ways that you haven't done before!

What is the answer for level 41 on the Never ending level game?

You just have to wait for the box

What is the answer to level 51 for fill the pot in logic game box?

You take the two 3 pots and place it at the bottom next to each other. The 6 pot shall be placed under the three boxes and over the one box at the wall. Pot 2 shall be over the three boxes at the other side at the wall. Second from far right pipe (2) - one left-turn elbow and one three left pipe.