its math class its also the second highest math class the highest is Algebra 1!
I think it is harder than math. You usually need to get straight A's on math to get into pre algebra
Advanced math
The Latin prefix pre- means "before" so Pre-Algebra means "Before Algebra". Pre Algebra gives you the bottom bricks or the foundation of your math building. This is the most important mathematics year of your life so try not to mess it upalgebra is harder.
The answer will depend entirely on the question which has not been given.
1) 24 2) 78.54 3) 15.625 Final answer= 118165
1) 21 2) 1 3) -25 4) mean= 81, median=84.5 Final answer= 15730
What is the answer for box 1 on mathbits pre algebra
its math class its also the second highest math class the highest is Algebra 1!
I think it is harder than math. You usually need to get straight A's on math to get into pre algebra
There is no prefix for math except pre-algebra