Sorry, we don't have access to the questions. And that is
definitely not how a math superstar gets an answer.
46 inches
6 diagonal lines appear when u connect the dots(:
The answer is 2=E 1=f 7=G 8=H.
Step 1: look at the first row of tooth pick squares Step 2: look at the ones on the outside, on the first row! (NOT THE CENTER SQUARE) Step 3: take off 2 sides on each square 2222
IKR?? I can't seem to find these out because they are hard ones this time and i really wanna find out the answers to these but i sorta feel guilty for cheating u know? I will ask my dad even though he is probably busy watching his little "movies" in the home theater downstairs ask your parents 4 help, too! BTW If you do know it then click "improve answer" and you can erase this idc really (idc- i don't care)
it is HELP! spelled backwards
46 inches
3, 4,and 16
You don't become a superstar by asking other people for the answer.
5 crossings
for the function machine in probelm 7 what number was the input number for the output number 101
4026 x 8
6 diagonal lines appear when u connect the dots(:
The answer is 2=E 1=f 7=G 8=H.
Step 1: look at the first row of tooth pick squares Step 2: look at the ones on the outside, on the first row! (NOT THE CENTER SQUARE) Step 3: take off 2 sides on each square 2222