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Q: What is the answer to number 7 on the pi day challenge?
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What other month and day is pi day is celebrated?

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 (3/14) as Pi is equal to 3.14(159265....) Pi Approximation Day is celebrated on July 22 (7/22) to celebrate Archimede's popular approximation of pi being equal to 22/7

What was the clue for Day 7 of the Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge?

Question: How many Deathly Hallows are there? Multiply this number by 7 Answer: 3 x 7 = 21

What is pi 22 7?

No. 22/7 is a close approximation. pi is an irrational number so there is no ratio of integers that will equal pi.

The fraction form of pi?

22/7 * * * * * Since pi is a transcendental number, which is a kind of irrational number, there is no fractional form of pi. 22/7 is merely a fractional approximation.

Pi is an irrational number. How do you show pi on the number line?

It is very had to show that but you could approximate it with 22/7. (or just round it to 3.14159265) 22/7=3.142857142857... pi=3.14159265...

How can you figure out pi?

22 divided by 7 will result in a number very similar to pi.

What is the fraction for Pi?

22/7 is the globally accepted fraction for the decimal number Pi.

What is the fraction form of Pi?

22/7 (twenty two-sevenths). * * * * * Since pi is a transcendental number, which is a kind of irrational number, there is no fractional form of pi. 22/7 is merely a fractional approximation.

Why pi is a irretional number while their value is 22 upon 7?

22/7 is only an approximate value of pi

Is it possible to find the whole number of pi?

Nope - Pi is an infinite number. The fractional equivalent is 22/7 which can never be a whole number.

Which subset of the real number does pi belong?

It belongs to any subset which contains it. For example,the interval (3, 4){pi}{1, pi, 3/7}{27, sqrt(7), pi}

What is pi divided by 7?

Since pi is a long number scientist shortened it to 3.14 If you take 3.14/7 it equals about .4485714285714286