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Q: What is the answer to page 7 in Punchline Algebra Book A?
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Well, honey, the answer to page 7-22 in that algebra book is probably some math mumbo jumbo. As for why nobody wears paper clothes, well, that's because paper rips faster than a Kardashian marriage. Stick to fabrics, darling, they'll last longer and won't leave you exposed like a bad punchline.

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Since I don't have that worksheet in front of me, perhaps you could tell me one of the problems.

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Spare Parts for a Porcupine with no spaces.

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The answer is: He is fully recovered

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I don't have page 7 in front of me. Perhaps you could ask me one of the questions.

What is the answer to page 5.8 in Punchline Algebra book A what is bad forwards but good backwards?

1. a. 34 b. 80 c. 32% 2. $405 3. $200,000 4. $109.39 5. 78% 6. 110.6m 7. 36.4in 8. 1,644 students 9. 30% 10. a. 128 b. 928 11. 44% after letters above correct answer are crossed off you are left with a word that is bad forward and good backwards STRESSED bad and DESSERTS very good...yummy

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Hollywood Hillbillies - 2014 Missing the Punchline 1-7 was released on: USA: 25 February 2014

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