If the decimal is .5 or greater you round up. Such as if a number is 7.5 you round it off to 8.
Round off to thousandths 54.0098 is 54.010.
the round off is 3045
17 900 000
The answer I think is 20
i think she is round about 17 years old... :) :) :)
Round off to the nearest cent, means round off to the nearest hundredths or round off to two decimal.
To round off 430 you will have to round up or down. To round down then it till be 400 to round up it will be 500
When you round off the number 0.472 to the hundredths place you get 0.47. If you round it off to the tenths place, it would be 0.5.
If the decimal is .5 or greater you round up. Such as if a number is 7.5 you round it off to 8.
It depends on what degree of accuracy you want to round it off to.
Round off to thousandths 54.0098 is 54.010.
the round off is 3045
The Glock 17 comes standard with a 17 round magazine.Any gun that has a magazine that is 17 rounds capacity or larger.