20.663 to nearest whole number is 21
Rounded to the nearest hundred, 21 is approximately equal to 0.
21 over 40 rounded to the nearest fourth is 0.5
What is 21 rounded to the nearest 10
The correct answer is 21%
21 to the nearest tenths is 21.0
20.663 to nearest whole number is 21
Rounded to the nearest hundred, 21 is approximately equal to 0.
21 over 40 rounded to the nearest fourth is 0.5
1/2 = 9/18 5/9 = 10/18 10 is closer to 9 than 18 or 0, so 25/9 → 21/2 to the nearest half.
The nearest 10 is 10.
The nearest 10 to 340 is 340 itself. When determining the nearest 10, you are looking for the multiple of 10 that is closest to the given number. Since 340 is already a multiple of 10, it is the nearest 10 to itself.