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You use PEMDAS, which is Parenthesis, Exponet, Divide, Multiply, Add, Subtract. You have to do it in that order.

So 6x9+6x0.5 is a problem you have to use PEMDAS for.

P&E go togehter, so when there is only parentesis or exponets, and no other symbols, then you do the problem across - left to right. Same with D&M, and A&S.

In the problem 6x9+6x0.5, M (multiply) is the first symbol. So, 6x9 is 54, and 6x0.5 is 3. Then, A (add) comes next, and then no more symbols. So just add 54 to 3 and you get 57.

The answer to 6x9+6x0.5 is 57, AKA - 6x9+6x0.5=57

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