To solve a problem like this with fractions you first want to find a common denominator (bottom number). Your lowest common denominator would be 10. Since 7/10 already has a denominator of 10, you only need to convert 4/5. to get 10 as the denominator we multiply the current denominator by 2 but to keep the fraction even you must also multiply the top by 2, which will result in 8. then solve
8/10 - 7/10 = 1/10
yes 4over5
4/5 is the same as 8/10 (eight tenths) because you just multiply the numerator and the denominator by 2.. so once a fraction is over 10, all you have to do is put the top number right after the decimal.. so itll be 0.8
This is the same as 4/5 * 3/12 = 12/60, which reduced is 1/5
1/6 + 7/10 = 5/30 + 21/30 = 26/30 = 13/15
There cannot be a whole fraction. If it is a fraction it is not whole and if it is whole it is not a fraction.
yes 4over5
% rate:= (7/10) x 100%= 0.7 x 100%= 70%
NO 4/5 = 0.8 9/12 = 0.75
4/5 minus 2/9 is 26/45
4/5 is the same as 8/10 (eight tenths) because you just multiply the numerator and the denominator by 2.. so once a fraction is over 10, all you have to do is put the top number right after the decimal.. so itll be 0.8
They are theta = -34.99 degrees and 145.09 deg.
This is the same as 4/5 * 3/12 = 12/60, which reduced is 1/5
1/6 + 7/10 = 5/30 + 21/30 = 26/30 = 13/15
9 over 10 You need to get the same common denominator, in this case, 10. You double the 5 to get 10, so you must double to the 4 to get 8. Then its 8+1 over 10.