Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by Answers.com means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals", "squared", "cubed" etc.
Question is indetermiinate...
Unless I'm misunderstanding the question, 1 plus 1 plus 1 equals 3 CAN be written as a multiplication sentence: 1 times 3 equals 3.
This or a similar question has already been answered. 2_plus_3_equals_10_7_plus_2_equals_63_6_plus_5_equals_66_8_plus_4_equals_96_then_9_plus_7_equals_what144.
2 plus 3 equals 5.
you didn't ask a question
12n + 8 = 11 12n = 3 n = 1/4
11n - 12n + 3 = 3 - n
It is 12n + 18.
i suppose 20 as an answer if its not a trick question.
Question is indetermiinate...
Unless I'm misunderstanding the question, 1 plus 1 plus 1 equals 3 CAN be written as a multiplication sentence: 1 times 3 equals 3.
This or a similar question has already been answered. 2_plus_3_equals_10_7_plus_2_equals_63_6_plus_5_equals_66_8_plus_4_equals_96_then_9_plus_7_equals_what144.
2 plus 3 equals 5.
12 (x is -3)
you didn't ask a question