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Q: What is the answer to you fly a helicopter for 20 minutes that goes the speed of 240 km per hour how far did you go?
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How long will a helicopter flying at a speed of 160 miles per hour take to travel a distance of 350 miles?

Time = 350 miles / 160 miles per hour Time ≈ 2.1875 hours However, to express the time in minutes, it's more convenient to convert the decimal part: 2.1875 hours * 60 minutes per hour ≈ 131.25 minutes Therefore, the helicopter will take approximately 131 minutes, or 2 hours and 11 minutes to travel 350 miles at 160 mph.

How many miles does a helicopter go?

it goes 1000000 miles per hour

What is the speed of a car when it goes 30 km in 20 minutes?

its going 30km per 20minutes is the speed... now let me put it into a better understanding speed.90km per hour

How many minutes will it take to get somewhere in a helicopter that's 41.2 miles away at 80 miles per hour?

31 minutes.

What is the top speed of a Black Hawk helicopter?

The top speed of a Black Hawk helicopter is up to 150 knots. However, in actual operations, the realistic top speed would be 140 knots, equivalent to 161 miles per hour.

What is the speed of a snail crawling at 2.5m in 6 minutes?

2.5 metres in 6 minutes = 25 m in 60 minutes (or 1 hour) So speed = 25 metres per hour.

How fast are you traveling if you go 1 mile in 5 minutes?

Speed = Distance/Time Speed = 1 mile/5 minutes x (60 minutes/1 hour) Speed = 60 miles.minutes/5 minutes.hour (cross minutes) Speed = 60 miles/5 hours Speed = 12 miles an hour

How calculate speed in minutes?

just take the speed by hours such as 60 miles per hour and divide it by 60 (the minutes in an hour) and you will get 1 mile per minute

Which is the plane which goes at 1000 speed an hour?

1000 speed an hour is not a term used to calculate speed , please rephrase as Kilometers or Miles per hour

What the average speed for a train if it travels at 210 km in 1 hour and 45 minutes?

Hints: speed = (distance) / (time) You need to convert 1 hour + 45 minutes into a single unit, such as hours or minutes.

How much does an army helicopter weigh?

Not all army helicopters have the same weight. The Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter weighs 13,648 pounds when empty. This helicopter has a maximum speed of 173 miles per hour.

How far does the speed of light travel after an hour?

Speed doesn't travel. Light travels.Light goes about 300,000 km in a second; in an hour, it goes 3600 times as far, since an hour has 3600 seconds.