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Q: What is the answer when Ab is not equal to 0 -12a cubed times b squared over 6ab squared?
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Reduce it if possible. Then set it equal to the similarity ratio of a-cubed over b-cubed, take the cubed route and theres your answer.

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82/3 would be the cubed root of the square of the number 8 or (82)1/3. In other words, 8 squared is 64. So you want the cubed root of 64, which is 4.

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I think you are in the same class as I am. Let me know when you find out what they are, ha. I Googled fundamental properties and saw this. Here's what I got for the answer M over S=Velocity Kg X M S = Momentum M over S squared = Acceleration Kg x m over S squared = Force Kg x m squared over S squared = Energy Kg squared x m over S cubed = Power

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10 Newtons.

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Yes. Except where sin x = 0, because then you would be dividing by zero so the quotient is undefined.

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