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Q: What is the answer when sum of the two number is 100 and their difference is 6?
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Finding the sum is adding two numbers together. The product comes from multiplying them together. Therefore, the sum of 100 and 100 is 200. The product of 100 and 100 is 10,000. Thus, the difference (which comes from subtracting two numbers) between the two is 9,800.

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How the sum of two is 100 and the difference is 6?

53 and 47

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300 Find the difference (500-100=400) then halve the sum(200). Add the halved sum to the lowest number in the equaion(100) or subtract the halved sum(200)from the largest number in the equation(500) one:500-100=400 two:400/2=200 Three: 200+100=300 or 500-200=300

What are the two number have a sum of 14 and the difference of 4?

The sum of the sum and difference gives twice the larger number 14 + 4 = 18 → the larger number is 18 ÷ 2 = 9 The difference of the sum and the difference gives twice the smaller number 14 - 4 = 10 → the smaller number is 10 ÷ 2 = 5 → The two numbers are 9 and 5.

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The sum of two numbers is twenty eight their difference is two?

"the difference between a number and eight is twenty-two

What are two numbers that have a sum of 100 and a difference of 6?

The numbers are 53 and 47

Write a program that will accept two numbers and find their sum anddifferences. If the sum is more than the difference, display the sum otherwisedisplay the difference. Pascal programming?

program SumAndDifference; var num1, num2, sum, difference: integer; begin write('Enter first number: '); read(num1); write('Enter second number: '); read(num2); sum := num1 + num2; difference := num1 - num2; if sum > difference then written('The sum is greater: ', sum) else written('The difference is greater: ', difference); end. This program will prompt the user to enter two numbers, calculate their sum and difference, and then compare the two values. If the sum is greater than the difference, it will display the sum; otherwise, it will display the difference.

The sum of two number and one is 100 if the first number is twice the second number numberfind the number?

If the first number is 100 then the second number is 50 and the sum is 150. If the second number is 100 then the first number is 200 and the sum is 300. The question cannot be answered with one solution as it is currently worded.