There is none. A single apostrophe is used to indicate feet, and a double for inches. To avoid any possible confusion, apostrophes are not used for metric lengths.
There is 15 centimeters in 15 centimeters
There are 10 centimeters in 10 centimeters.
2 centimeters is just 2 centimeters, and 2 centimeters squared is 4 centimeters. 2 centimeters x 2 centimeters = 4 centimeters squared = times 2
15 centimeters = 15 centimeters
1 meter = 100 centimeters(1 meter + 64 centimeters) = (100 centimeters + 64 centimeters) = 164 centimeters
MDs (It does not take an apostrophy.)
Between the n and the t - wouldn't
First of all..."yes and no" not "yes and know". You meant to use KNOW. A witch rides a broom with a black cat. You meant WHICH. For apostrophes, they go on conjunctions like can't and don't. If you can split the conjunction into two...can not and do not... it needs an apostrophy. Sound out the conjunction and put the apostrophy where you took out the letter. In "can't" the apostrophy took the place of the O.The hardest one is its and it's. Read this: It's the dog's ball. The dog hit it with its paw. Repleace the its and it's with "it is" if it makes sense it needs an apostrophy. Apostrophys are also needed when giving ownership to something. Like the dog sentence... it is the dog's ball. The ball belongs to the dog. This type of apostrophy almost always comes before an S.
If mother is singular: mother's If mother is plural: mothers'
it means ever, the apostrophy is used as a replacement for the v
An apostrophe is this symbol ' . It can be used to show possession. It can also be used in plural possession, but not always for "its".
w/ an apostrophy u know like this 'hi'
yes notice belongs to month so apostrophy s
An apostrophe is this symbol ' . It can be used to show possession. It can also be used in plural possession, but not always for "its".
You use an apostrophy in the word it (it's) when you want to shorten the words "it is": it's very cold today.
i believe it comes from the latin translation damus tay, which in french is indulchomantes (apostrophy on the e) hope this helps
"She's almost there" "There's only so much I can do" "Tom's book is here somewhere" "They're not here for the food"