

What is the application of pi?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What is the application of pi?
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How was Einstein related to pi?

Einstein may have used pi (Ï€)in his equations but he had no involvement in the creation or application of pi.

Example or application of irrational numbers?

Perhaps the best know application is the use of Pi in relation to circles and spheres

What is the approximate value for pi as a rational expression?

Pi is about 3.14159265. You can round that to as many or as few significant digits are are appropriate for a particular application.

What is the most accurate fraction for pi?

Pi, being irrational, has an endless number of digits to the right of the decimal, as you know. But for almost any application, even basic engineering, a value of 3.1417 is highly accurate.

What is the sq ft of 7 ft radius?

Pi-R-Squared. pi*R^2 That's the formula for area of a circle, where R=radius. For R=7 the formula gives 49pi. Some calculators have pi buttons, but estimating pi=3.14 is often close enough for real-world application. 49*3.14 = almost 154 square feet.

What are two real-life application of irrational numbers?

The square root of 2 and the value of pi are two examples of irrational numbers which can't be expressed as fractions

What is the pi root of pi?

(pi)(1/pi)=1.4396 ...

Why do people care about the exact value of pi?

This is an opinion. While it is more of a mathematical 'trivial pursuit' now. I don't know of any application that could possibly need the value of pi to 1000 or 1 million or more digits. However, computing pi decimal value has been used to test speed and accuracy of new computer processors and algorithms.

What is pi times pi divided by pi plus pi minus pi times pi?

the same as pi squared, which is 9.86960440109

What should be the conclusion for a math project on pi?

Some details you may want to know: pi indicates the ratio of the circumference to the diameter in a circle; pi is irrational (you can't express it as the ratio of two integers) and trascendental (nor as the solution of a polynomial equation). Irrational also means that the digits won't repeat indefinitely. With trigonometric formulae and powerful computers, pi has already been calculated to over a billion digits. Knowing these digits, by itself, has no practical application.

What is the square root of pi times pi?

The square root of pi times pi is simply pi. Because pi*pi=pi squared, the squared and the square root will cancel each other, leaving just pi.

What is pi to the 5th power?

Pi to the 5th power is approximately 306.019684785