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The symbol %

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Q: What is the appreviation for percent?
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assume you mean 'abbreviation' - it is FL

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RAF Royal Air Force.

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The abbreviation of Pelosi's title is Speaker.

Is Nazi a last name?

No, Nazi is appreviation or short name for Nationalsozialist in German

What is the appreviation for ounces?

The correct abbreviation for ounces is oz. (please recommend me ;_;)

Does hypnosis have another name?

Yes, hypnosis is an appreviation of "neuro-hypnotism", or nervous sleep compared to normal sleep.

What is the importance of HDI?

HDI is an appreviation of "Human Diahria Intake", which implies that if your country scores a high HDI, you might consider leaving the country.

What does the appreviation UDMA stand for?

The abbreviation UDMA stands for Ultra Direct Memory Access. The Ultra Direct Memory Access is a mass storage interface and is common in computers and other electronic devices.