1/100 is equivalent to 1%, which is equivalent to .01. In another example, 1/25 is equivalent to 4%, which is equivalent to .04.
You make an approximate conversion.
You use an approximate decimal representation or part of an infinite series.For example,pi = 4*[1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + ... ]The above series is infinite but you can stop whenever you want to get an approximation. There are many such series.
15:100 or 1: 6.7 (approximate)
If you divide that by 24, you have the equivalent in days. If you divide the result of that by 365, you get the approximate equivalent in years.
143/1000 also 1/7 is a good approximate answer
The approximate mass of a hydrogen atom is 1 atomic mass unit, which is equivalent to 1.67 x 10^-24 grams.
1 trillion seconds is equivalent to about 31,688 years ago. So, subtracting that from the current year would give the approximate year.
The approximate atomic mass of a neutron is 1 unified atomic mass unit, which is equivalent to 1.008665 atomic mass units when considering the mass excess.
The ISBN of The Day I Met God is 1-57673-786-1.
24 kilonewtons (kN) are the approximate equivalent to 5395.41 pounds (lbs) of force. This can be found using the rule that 1 kN equals 224 lbs of force.
The approximate average is 19. The actual average is 19 and 1/3
An equivalent fraction is 2025/1.An equivalent fraction is 2025/1.An equivalent fraction is 2025/1.An equivalent fraction is 2025/1.
Exact value means you do not approximate. So if you answer has a radical in it, you leave the radical and do not approximate it. If it has a fraction such as 1/3, you leave it and do not approximate it as .3 or .33 or even.333333333333333...
That's Life - 1968 How We Met 1-1 was released on: USA: 24 September 1968
1 met = resting energy expenditure