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What is the approximate speed of light in kilometer per second?"

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Q: What is the approximate speed of light in kilometer per second?
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Kilogram per second is the approximate speed of light?

kilogram per second is the approximate speed of light

How fast is speed of light in kilometers?

300,000 kilometer per second.

What travels 300 000 km a second?

300,000 km per second is the approximate speed of light.

What is the approximate speed of a gamma particle?

The speed of a gamma particle is approximately the speed of light, which is around 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum.

What is the speed of light year kilometer per hour?

"Light-year" is not a speed, it is a distance - the distance light travels in a year.The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second. If you multiply that by 3600 (seconds/hour), you get the speed in km/hour.

What travels at 300000km per second?

That is the approximate speed of electromagnetic radiation (usually referred to as light) in a vacuum.

What the speed of light in scientific notation?

1.86 x 10^5 miles per second (approximate)

Light travels through space at what speed?

186,000 miles per second 292,000 kilometers per second These are approximate numbers.

Approximate speed of a human?

i think the approximate speed of a human is 7.50 yards a second

Does light travel faster or slower when it travels in a medium?

Light travels slower in a medium compared to its speed in a vacuum. This is because the particles in the medium interact with the light and cause it to change speed as it passes through. The speed of light in a medium is determined by the medium's optical properties.

Why is 12000 lunar orbits the speed of light?

The speed of light is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second. The number of lunar orbits required to cover this distance would be 12000 because the circumference of the Moon's orbit around the Earth is about 10,000 kilometers. Multiplying this by 12000 gives an approximate value close to the speed of light.

Is there any possible way to decrease the speed of light without any form shifting of the light beam?

When light passes through anything it slows down. It is only when it is passing through a vacuum that the 'constant' speed (approximate value of 3×108 metres per second) applies.