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When you write 3 inches across , I assume you the diameter.

Hence the radius is 3 /2 = 1.5

Remember to the circle equations: -

C = 2 pi r

A = pi r^(2)


C = 2* 3.141592...*1.5

C = 9.42477... inches (The perimeter)


A = 3.141592... (1.5)^(2)

A = 7.68583... sq, ins. ( square inches). ( The Area)

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9.42 inches

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Q: What is the area and perimeter of a circle that is 3 inches across?
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How do you find the area and perimeter of circle?

First you have to measure the diameter of the circle. The diameter is pi (pi is approximately 3.1415) times the diameter is the perimeter. Half the diameter is the radius and the area of a circle is pi times the radius squared. So for example, let us say that you have a circle with a diameter of 3 inches. The perimeter is then about 9.42 inches, and the area is about 7.07 square inches.

What is the area of a circle of that is 28 inches across?

615.75 square inches.

If the area is 80 square inches how do your figure out the perimeter?

You don't have enough information. If the area in question is a circle, the perimeter (circumfrence) is about 31.7 inches. If it is a square, the perimeter is about 35.8 inches. and if the area is a very long and thin 80 inches by one inch, the perimeter is 162 inches. You need to know the shape; even though many shapes might have an area equal to 80 square inches, the perimeter will vary depending on shape.

Why do the areas of different shapes differ even if their perimeter is same?

A rectangle that's 7 x 1 inches has a perimeter of 16inches,and its area is 7 square inches.A rectangle that's 5 x 3 inches also has a perimeter of 16 inches,but its area is 15 square inches.A rectangle that's 6 x 2 inches also has a perimeter of 16 inches,but its area is 12 square inches.A square that's 4 inches on each side also has a perimeter of 16 inches,but its area is 16 square inches.A circle that's 16 inches around the outside also has a perimeter of 16 inches,and its area is 20.4 square inches.There's no reason why there has to be a connection between perimeter and area.

How could you find the measuements of the frame with a 16 inch perimeter and the greatest possible area?

For any perimeter, the rectangle with the greatest area is a square.For a 16-inch perimeter, the greatest rectangular area is 16 square inches,inside a square with 4-inch sides.But if you don't necessarily need straight sides, then you can squeeze more areainside the same perimeter with a circle. A circle with a 16-inch circumference has anarea of 20.372 square inches.

Related questions

How do you find the area and perimeter of circle?

First you have to measure the diameter of the circle. The diameter is pi (pi is approximately 3.1415) times the diameter is the perimeter. Half the diameter is the radius and the area of a circle is pi times the radius squared. So for example, let us say that you have a circle with a diameter of 3 inches. The perimeter is then about 9.42 inches, and the area is about 7.07 square inches.

What is the area of a circle of that is 28 inches across?

615.75 square inches.

If the area is 80 square inches how do your figure out the perimeter?

You don't have enough information. If the area in question is a circle, the perimeter (circumfrence) is about 31.7 inches. If it is a square, the perimeter is about 35.8 inches. and if the area is a very long and thin 80 inches by one inch, the perimeter is 162 inches. You need to know the shape; even though many shapes might have an area equal to 80 square inches, the perimeter will vary depending on shape.

Why do the areas of different shapes differ even if their perimeter is same?

A rectangle that's 7 x 1 inches has a perimeter of 16inches,and its area is 7 square inches.A rectangle that's 5 x 3 inches also has a perimeter of 16 inches,but its area is 15 square inches.A rectangle that's 6 x 2 inches also has a perimeter of 16 inches,but its area is 12 square inches.A square that's 4 inches on each side also has a perimeter of 16 inches,but its area is 16 square inches.A circle that's 16 inches around the outside also has a perimeter of 16 inches,and its area is 20.4 square inches.There's no reason why there has to be a connection between perimeter and area.

Find the area and perimeter of a given circle?

If 'R' is the radius of the circle, then-- area of the circle is [ pi R2]-- perimeter of the circle is [ 2 pi R ]

Is surcumference area or perimeter?

The perimeter of a circle is its circumference

If the perimeter of a square is 28 inches what is its area?

If the perimeter of a square is 28 inches the area is: 49 square inches.

What is the area of a squares perimeter of 32 inches?

A square with a perimeter of 32 inches has an area of 64 square inches.

How could you find the measuements of the frame with a 16 inch perimeter and the greatest possible area?

For any perimeter, the rectangle with the greatest area is a square.For a 16-inch perimeter, the greatest rectangular area is 16 square inches,inside a square with 4-inch sides.But if you don't necessarily need straight sides, then you can squeeze more areainside the same perimeter with a circle. A circle with a 16-inch circumference has anarea of 20.372 square inches.

Given a length of string L equals 50 inches construct a circle and a square such that the sum of the areas is a maximum?

Use as much of the string as is possible to make the circle. In the limit, the circumference of the circle is 50 inches and the perimeter of the square is 0. This gives a circle with an area of 198.94 sq inches and a square with an area of 0 sq inches. Any string moved from the circle to the square will reduce the total area.

What is area of circle if perimeter of circle is 12.56RR?

Area of any circle = pi*radius2

What is the perimeter and area of a rectangle with the sides equal to 5 inches and 7 inches?

Perimeter:20 inches Area:35