

What is the area of 2m circle?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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14y ago

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3.1416 square m

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Q: What is the area of 2m circle?
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What is the area of a circle with radius of 2m?

The area of a circle with a radius of 2m is: 12.566 m2

What is the area of a 2m circle?

Since you didn't state If the 2m was a diameter or radius, it will have to be calculated as If it were both: Diameter: Pi x D = Area of Circle 3.14 x 2m = 6.28 m² Radius: Pi x R² = Area of Circle 3.14 x 2m² = 3.14 x 4 = 12.56 m²

What the area of a 2cm circle?

If the diameter is 2m, then the area is approx 6.28 square metres.

What is the circumference of a circle with diameter 2m?

The circumference of a circle with diameter 2m is about 6.28m

What is the circumference of the circle with 2m?

The circumference of a 2m diameter circle is: 6.283 meters.

What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 2 meters?

π square meters ~= 3.14m2. Area circle = πr2 radius = diameter/2 => radius = 2m/2 = 1m => area = π x 12 = π sq m

If the radius of a circle is doubled what happens to the area?

It quadruples. The area of a circle is Pi (about 3.14159) times the radius squared. So if you double the radius (say from 2m to 4m), you area will change from 4*Pi to 16*Pi (4 times what it was originally).

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Does the area of a circle double if its diameter doubles?

The area is four times as large if the diameter doubles.The area of a circle is A = (pi)r2 or (pi)(diameter/2)2Since d is squared, it increases the area by the square of 2 if the diameter is doubled.Try calculating the area for a diameter of 2m, 4m and 8m to prove this.

What is the surface area of a cylinder with a radius 2m and 9m height?

The surface area of a cylinder with a radius 2m and 9m height is 138.23m2

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What is the area of 9m and 2m rectangle?

It would be 18 square meters. You find that out by multiplying 9m x 2m. You're welcome :)