The area of Dhanmondi Thana is 9,740,000.0 square meters.
The area of Uttara Thana is 36.91 square kilometers.
The area of Khilgaon Thana is 14.02 square kilometers.
The area of Lalbagh Thana is 9,140,000.0 square meters.
The area of Ramna Thana is 7,850,000.0 square meters.
The population of Sutrapur Thana is 307,483.
Sutrapur Thana's population density is 70,202 people per square kilometer.
The area of Kafrul Thana is 17.8 square kilometers.
The area of Badda Thana is 16.78 square kilometers.
The area of Bhujpur Thana is 486.9 square kilometers.
The area of Kamrangirchar Thana is 2,870,000.0 square meters.
The area of Chandgaon Thana is 32.14 square kilometers.
The area of Shaympur Thana is 2,310,000.0 square meters.
The area of Khalishpur Thana is 11.47 square kilometers.
The area of Panchlaish Thana is 27.45 square kilometers.
The area of Mirpur Thana is 58.66 square kilometers.
The area of Bandar Thana is 44.63 square kilometers.