There are 2.54 cm in every inch. So 16 inches is 16 * 2.54cm = 40.64 cm
The answer is the number of inch cubes used in the construction.
For any perimeter, the rectangle with the greatest area is a square.For a 16-inch perimeter, the greatest rectangular area is 16 square inches,inside a square with 4-inch sides.But if you don't necessarily need straight sides, then you can squeeze more areainside the same perimeter with a circle. A circle with a 16-inch circumference has anarea of 20.372 square inches.
The answer obviously depends on the size of the prism!
The area of a 7-inch circle is: 38.48 square inches.
You would have 16 inch wheels and tires.
An inch is 25.4 millimetres. 16 inch is roughly 400 mm.
There are 2.54 cm in every inch. So 16 inches is 16 * 2.54cm = 40.64 cm
Probably 5 inches. ****** Assuming it should be area (not length!): 5 x 3 = 15 square inches
16 inch blocks have an area of 16 x 16 = 256 sqinches . You want to cover an area of 61 x 58 = 3538 sqinches. So you need at least 3538/256 = 13.8 blocks.
36 inch standard entry door awning in canvas what the price would be
If the area is "well behaved" or if most offcuts are used then 77 tiles will suffice. However, if the area is not rectangular then you are likely to require more. Also, unless the length or width of the rectangular area is an exact multiple of 19.5 inches, there will be many off-cuts.
price of 36 inch door entry canvas awning cost
Needlepoint gauge number is equivalent to the number of cross-threads (or stitches) in a linear inch. So 1 square inch of 14 mesh canvas will need 196 (14 x 14) stitches.
The answer is the number of inch cubes used in the construction.
For any perimeter, the rectangle with the greatest area is a square.For a 16-inch perimeter, the greatest rectangular area is 16 square inches,inside a square with 4-inch sides.But if you don't necessarily need straight sides, then you can squeeze more areainside the same perimeter with a circle. A circle with a 16-inch circumference has anarea of 20.372 square inches.
1 cubic inch.1 cubic inch.1 cubic inch.1 cubic inch.