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its 1/2 the area of a circle with the length of on side of the triangle as the radius. then subtract 2 times the area of said equilateral triangle. (to find its height, use the Pythagorean theory. split the triangle in half to get its height, the base will be 1/2 the length of its side. Type your answer here...

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Q: What is the area of a Reuleaux triangle that has a diameter of 4 in?
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What is the area of a triangle 4 in by 2 in?

The area of triangle is : 4.0

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The diameter = sqrt (area*4/Pi) = 15.6353

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Area = pi * diameter * diameter /4 = 3.14 * 1 *1 /4 = approx = 3/4 of square inch

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The area of triangle is : 12.0

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Since the area = (pi/4)*(diameter)², then changing the diameter by 1/4 the original, the area will be (1/4)² = (1/16) the original.

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The area of a circle with a diameter of 4 inches is: 12.57 square inches.

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This is very simple by the formula Area=(3.142)*Radius Radius=Diameter/2 so Area=(3.142)*(Diameter/2)2 then Area=(3.142)*(Diameter)2/4 So 153.85=3.142*(Diameter)2/4 Diameter2=(153.85*4)/3.142 Diameter2=195.86 Diameter= 13.99 inch

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The area of triangle is : 16.0

What is the relationship between the diameter and area of a circle?

Area = (pi/4) x (Diameter)2 Diameter = 2 x sqrt(Area/pi)

What is the area of a circle if the diameter is 4 cm in hectometers?

The area of a circle (in square hectometers) if the diameter is 4 cm is: 0.001257 hectometers2

If a triangle has an area of 16 and a base of 4 what is the height of the triangle?

area of triangle =(1/2)(base)(height) 16=(1/2)(4)h h=8