

Best Answer

A = 3.14 x 6.22

A = 120.7016

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Q: What is the area of a circle if the radius is 6.2?
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What is the area of a circle with radius of 6ft?

62 * 3.14 = 113.09

What is the area of a circle with the radius of 6cm?

Area = pi*62 = 113.097 square cm to 3 dp

How many sq ft does a 62 inch circle have?

This could be taken three different ways - a circle with a 62 inch diameter, a 62 inch radius, or a 62 inch circumference. For all of these, it helps to first convert 62 inches into feet. 62 inches = 62/12 = 5 1/6 feet. Area is found from the formula A= π∙r² For a 62 inch radius (5.1667 ft), the area will be about 83.863 ft2 For a 62 inch diameter, the radius will be 31 inches (2.58333 ft) and the area will be about 20.966 ft2 For a 62 inch circumference, the diameter will be about 1.6446 ft, the radius will be 0.8223 ft and the area will be about 2.124 ft2

How calculate the center of circle?

If you mean Area of a circle it is: Pi (3.142) x Radius2 Example: a circle has the Radius of 6 Cm, what is the AREA? 62 x Pi(3.142) = Area ......Cm2

What is the radius of a circle with the circumference is 62?

62/2pi which is close to 10

What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 12 mm?

Area of a circle = pi*r2 , where pi = 3.14 and r is the radius of the circle. We have diameter(d) = 12mm so, radius(r) = d/2 = 6mm On putting the values we get Area = 3.14*62 = 3.14*36 = 113mm2

The area of a circle that has a radius of 6 feet?

A = pi * r2 = pi * 62 = 36pi = 113.1 sq. ft.

What is the area of a circle if the radius is 9m?

The area of a circle if the radius is 9m 254.5m2

What is the radius of a circle with the area of 36?

The radius of a circle with the area of 36 is 3.385

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Area of a circle = pi*radius squared

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The area of a circle with a radius of 14.4 is 651.4

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