113 (Nearest Whole Number)
Its radius is: 1298/2*pi = 207 meters to nearest whole number
-- Multiply (pi) by (diameter of circle)OR-- Multiply (pi) by (2 times radius of circle)-- Then round the product to the nearest whole number.
38 in.
Radius of circle: 371/2*pi = 59 units to the nearest whole number
113 (Nearest Whole Number)
Its radius is: 1298/2*pi = 207 meters to nearest whole number
-- Multiply (pi) by (diameter of circle)OR-- Multiply (pi) by (2 times radius of circle)-- Then round the product to the nearest whole number.
38 in.
Radius of circle: 371/2*pi = 59 units to the nearest whole number
Circumference of circle: 2*pi*3.5 = 22cm rounded to the nearest whole number
Area = pi*r2 = 3217 sq inches to the nearest integer.
Circumference of circle: 2*pi*35 = 220 cm rounded to the nearest whole number
Circumference of circle: 2*pi*35 = 220 m rounded to the nearest whole number
Circumference of the circle: 2*pi*7 = 44 cm rounded up to the nearest whole number
It depends on what the "32in" refers to: circumference, diameter, radius.
Area = pir2 Area = 3.1416x(1/6)2 Area = 0.09, or 0 rounded to the nearest whole number