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A = Pi*r2 = Pi*52 ≈78.54

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Q: What is the area of a circle with a radius r 5?
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What is the area of a cirle with a radius of 5 in?

The area of a circle of radius r is pi*r*r

Area of circle with radius of 5?

A=pi times R squared If the radius is 5, the area is 25pi

What is the area of 5 km radius in square km?

An area of 5km radius implies a circle. The area of a circle of radius r is {pi}r2. Area ~= 3.14 x 5 x 5 km2 ~= 78.54 km2.

A circle has radius r what is the formula for the area of the circle?

For a circle or radius r, the area is given by: area = {pi}r2 (ie pi times the radius squared)

What is the Area of circle of radius 4?

The Area of a circle is Pi (r)(r) so the area of a circle with the radius of 4, would be 16pi

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A circle of radius r has an area of Pi*r*r, where Pi is the constant which is approximately 3.14159.

What is the area of a circle when the radius is 15?

Area of a circle= (22/7)*r^2 where, r is the radius of the circle when r=15, area of the circle= 3.14*15*15 = 706.5 sq.units

How do you get the area of a circle?

the formula for the area of a circle is pi r2 (pie are square). r is the radius. examples: radius of circle is 5. pi 52 = pi 25 = 78.53

How you get the area of a circle?

A= Area of the circle¶= Pi (About 3.14)r= Radius squared (Radius times radius)3.14 * Radius squared

What is Pi R Squared?

The formula to get the area of a circle ("R" being the radius of the circle). Radius means the distance from the center of the circle to the edge.It means pi times radius squared which is the formula for finding the area of a circle.

Help with math how do you get the area of a circle?

Area of a circle is calculated by A=2*p*r where A represents the circle's area and r is the radius of the circle.

How do you find the radius of a circle if you have area?

The area of a circle is pi * r2 where r is the radius Solving for r, where A is the area: A = pi * r2 A/pi = r2 r = sqrt(A/pi)