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A = Pi·2.52 ≈ 19.63 units2

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Q: What is the area of a circle with the radius of 2.5?
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What is the area of a circle with a radius of 25 cm?

A circle with a radius of 25 cm has an area of 1,963.5 square cm.

Find the area of a circle whose radius is 25 inches?

Area = Pi(r)2 - A circle with a radius of 25 inches has an area of 1,963.5 square inches.

What radius area of circle is 25 cm?

If you mean area of a circle with a radius of 25 cm then it is:- Area = pi*252 = 1963.495 square cm to 3 decimal places

The area of a circle is 25 pi what is the radius?


If circle A has a radius of 3 cm and circle B has a radius of 4 cm and circle C has the same total area as circles A and B combined hoe do you determine the radius of circle C?

The formual for area is: A = πr2 so the area of circle A (assuming π=3.142) is 28.278cm2, and the area of circle B is 50.272cm2.Their combined area of 78.55cm2 is the area of circle C.The formula for radius is: square root of A/π78.55 ÷ 3.142 = 25, the square root of 25 is 5The radius of circle C is 5cmArea of Circle A = π32 = 9πArea of Circle B = π42 = 16πArea of Circle C = 9π + 16π = 25πLet r = radius of Circle C thenπr2 = 25π : r2 = 25 : r = 5.

What is the area of a circle if it has a diameter of 25 feet?

A circle with a radius of 12.5 feet (25/2) has an area of 490.87 square feet.

What is the circle area that has a radius of 25?

1963.5 square units.

How many times greater is the area of a circle with the radius of 10 than a circle with a radius of 8 centimeters?


How do you get the area of a circle?

the formula for the area of a circle is pi r2 (pie are square). r is the radius. examples: radius of circle is 5. pi 52 = pi 25 = 78.53

How many square miles in a 25 mile radius?

The area of a circle with a 25-mile radius is about 1963.5 square miles. This calculation is based on the formula A = πr^2, where A is the area, π is approximately 3.14159, and r is the radius of the circle.

What is the area of a circle with a radius of five?

Area = (pi) (radius)2 = 25 pi = 78.54 square units (rounded)

If the radius of a circle is 25 what is the area?

625 pi = 1,963.5 (rounded)