Assuming you mean 3 cm per edge.
1 side = 3 x 3 = 9 sq cm.
6 sides total = 9 x 6 = 54 sq cm.
54 cm2
The area of one face of a 3cm cube is the area of a 3cm square. That's 3 x 3 = 9cm2.
54 cm2
I thought the answer was: 6 x 3squaredcmsquared
3cm, 3cm and 3cm respectively
54 cm2
The area of one face of a 3cm cube is the area of a 3cm square. That's 3 x 3 = 9cm2.
SA = 54cm2
The cube's surface area is 54 cm2 and its volume is 27 cm3
54 cm2
I thought the answer was: 6 x 3squaredcmsquared
3cm, 3cm and 3cm respectively
Volume = (length) x (width) x (height)A cube has all 3 dimensions equal.Volume = (3cm) x (3cm) x (3cm) = 27 cm3
Suppose the side of the cube is s cm. Then s3 = 27 so that s = 3 cm. Each of the six faces of the cube is a 3cm * 3cm square. 6 squares, each with a surface area of 9 cm2 makes a total surface area of 54 cm2
It is likely that the shape you have in mind is a cube, with each edge being 3 cm long.
The edge length would be 3 cm.
To find the volume of a cube, just multiply the length of each side together: 3 * 3 * 3 = 33 = 27 cm3 See the Related Questions link to the left to find the volume of any cube or rectangular solid!