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area = 3 x (radius to point) squared x sin 60 degrees =3(10)(10)(.866) = 259.8 sq m

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Q: What is the area of a regular hexagon with a side length of 10 meters and a distance from the center to a vertex of 10 meters?
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What is the area of a regular hexagon with side length of 20cm.?

The area of a regular hexagon with side length of 20cm is about 1039.23cm2

What is the perimeter of a regular hexagon with a side length of 6.8 mm?

The perimeter of a regular hexagon with a side length of 6.8mm is 40.8mm

What is the perimeter of a regular hexagon?

The perimeter of a regular hexagon is: length times the # of sides, which in this case happens to be six. The perimeter of a regular hexagon= l(6)

What is equilaterlal hexagon?

It is a hexagon whose sides are all the same length. It need not be a regular hexagon.

What regular polygon has a side the same length as it's radius?

Assuming that radius would be the length from any vertex to the center of a figure, a regular hexagon. It can be divided into six congruent equilateral triangles.

What is the length of a regular hexagon if its perimeter is 24 cm?

The edge length of a regular hexagon with a perimeter of 24 cm is 24/6 = 4 cm

Does a hexagon have the same length on all sides?

In general no. A regular hexagon has the same length on all sides. Also, there are other hexagons with the same length on all sides that are not regular.

How would you write a formula for the perimeter of a regular hexagon using the length of a side?

A regular hexagon is a shape that has 6 equal sides. x = length of a side 6x = perimeter of hexagon pond

Why is the regular hexagon called a regular hexagon?

Because all the sides are the same length and all the angles are the same.

What if the perimeter of a hexagon in kilometers?

6 times the length of a side, if it's a regular hexagon.

What is the formula of the perimeter of a hexagon'?

If the hexagon isn't regular, then the formula is: Perimeter = (side-1 length)+(side-2 length)+(side-3 length)+(side-4 length)+(side 5 length)+(side-6 length) If the hexagon is regular, then the formula is: Perimeter = 6 x (length of any side)

What is the area of a regular hexagon with a side length of 5.2 centimeters and a distance from the center to a vertex of 5.2 centimeters?

20.3 cm 2==================Another opinion:I've never done one of these before, but I tried this one,and for my answer, I got 140.5 cm2.