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The area of square is : 4.0

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Alessandro Keeling

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2y ago
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Q: What is the area of a square if one side is 2 kilometers?
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How many meters in 35873 square kilometers?

You cannot associate length with area. Area is 2 dimensional, and length is only one. Assuming it is a square, 358730.5 is 189.4km which is 189,400m. This is the side length of the square. 35873 square kilometers is also equivalent to 35,873,000,000 square meters.

What is the area of a square that measures 8 km on one side?

Solution: A=a^2=8^2=64 kilometers

Which is the area of a square with one side that measures?

The area of the square is the measure of the side squared.

What is the area of a square of side 0.06m?

A square with a side length of 0.06 meters has an area of 0.0036 square meters.

What is the area of the square if one side is 15 meters?

A square with a side length of 15 meters has an area of 225 square meters.

If a square has the area of 10cm2 what is the length of a side?

The area of one side is square root (10).

If the length of a square is 4 centimeters what is the area of the square?

Area of square= side*sideIf you mean by "length of the square" one side of the square, then the area is 16 cm^2 (If you mean by "length of the square" it's perimeter, then you have to get it'a side from that data:Perimeter of squre=4*side -> side = (Perimeter of square)/4 then you get one side and you can calculate the area from that...)

How do you find the perimeter of a square if you have its area?

-- The perimeter of the square is [4 times the length of one side] . -- The length of one side of the square is [square root of its area] .

How do you convert kilometers to square kilometers?

You can't. One is a measure of length the other is area.

What is the area of the square if one side is 8.2?

A square with a side length of 8.2 units has an area of 67.24 square units.

Area in a square?

The square of the length of one side

What is the total area of Manhattan?

The total area of Manhattan is 33.77 square miles (87.5 square kilometers). Of this, 22.96 square miles (59.5 square kilometers) is land, and 10.81 square miles (28 square kilometers) is water.