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Area = 15*15 = 225 sq cm

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Q: What is the area of a square if the side measures 15 cm?
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What is the area of a square room that measures 15 feet on each side?

The area of square is : 225.0

What is the lenght of one side of a cube with a surface area of 1350?

Each side measures 15. Divide the known surface area by 6... this gives you the area of one side. The square root of the area of one side will give you the length of each side.

What is the area of the square if one side is 15 meters?

A square with a side length of 15 meters has an area of 225 square meters.

What is the area of a square with a side length of 15 inches?

Area = 15*15 = 225 square inches

How do you get the answer 225 from the questen what is the area of a square with the side length of 15?

The area of a square is (the side length)2.That means (the side length) times (the side length).If you multiply 15 by 15, that will get you close.

What is the area of a square with a side length of 15meters?

A square with a side length of 15 meters has an area of 225 square meters.

What are the side lengths of a square with an area of 225?

The square root of 225 is 15. Since the side length of a square is just the square root of the area, the side length must be 15. As a side note, the perimeter is four times the square root of the area, or in this case, 60.

What is the area of a square with a side length of 15 meters?

15*15 = 225 square metres

What is the area of a square with sides 15 yds long?

A square with a side length of 15 yards has an area of 225 square yards.

If a square has an area of 225 square feet what is the length of each side?

The length of each side of a square with an area of 225 square feet is: 15 feet.

What is the area of a square with a side of 15 units?


What is the side of a square with its area 60cm?

15 cm.