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4 cm2

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Q: What is the area of a square of side 2 cm?
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What is the area of a square with 2 cm long?

A square with a side length of 2 cm has an area of 4 square cm.

What is the area of a square with a side length of Cm?

we know that area of square = side ^ 2 =1.2^2 =1.44 cm ^2

What is the length of a square with the area of 4 cm?

area of square = side ^2 side = sqrt(4) = 2 cm

What is the length of each side of a square that has an area of 4 cm?

area of square = side * side side = sqrt (area ) = sqrt (49 ) =7 cm so, the approximate side length of an area that is 49 cm squared is 7 cm.

What is the area of a square that has sides that measure 7 cm?

The area of a square is (side)2. Since side = 7 cm, then area = (7 cm)2 = 49 cm2 [square centimeters].

What is the area of a square of sides 2 centimeters?

A square with a side length of 2 cm has an area of 4 square cm

What is the length of a square with an area of 4 cm?

The area of square is : 73.96

What is the area of a square that is 2cm long?

1 side of square = 2cm area of square = side x side so, area= 2x2 = 4 cm^2

How can you find the length of a side of a square if you know its area?

You take the square root of the area. Example: area is 2 square cm; the square root of 2 is about 1.414, so the length of a side is 1.414 cm.

What is the area a of a square with sides 2cm long?

A square with a side length of 2cm has an area of 4cm2

What is the area of a square if the length of any of the side is 3.5 cm?

A = side^2 A = (3.5 cm)^2 = 12.25 cm^2

What is the perimeter of a square that has an area of 10000 cm squared?

Area of a square = side^2 10,000 = side^2 100 = side Perimeter = 4(side) = 4 x 100 = 400 cm