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Q: What is the area of the entire shape if the red trapezoid has an area of 1 square inch?
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What is the formula for calculate the volume of trapezoid?

There is none because a trapezoid is a 2D shape but if you meant the area it is:- Area in square units = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

Formula to find volume of a trapezoid?

There is none because a trapezoid is a 2D shape but the area is as follows measured in square units:- Area = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

Can a square and a trapezoid ever have the same area and why?

Yes because if you square root the area of a trapezoid that will give you the side of a square

Which shape has the greatest area?

No shape has the greatest area. You can make a circle the size of a fingernail, and a square the size of a house; you can make a trapezoid the size of a crumb, and a rectangle the size of a car. Since you can change the size of the shape, there is no true answer.

Can a square and a trapezoid have the same area?


What shape is the area formula for a trapezoid based on?

you tell me!

How do you get the volume of a trapezoid?

With great difficulty because as a 2 dimensional shape it has no volume but its area is as follows:- Area in square units = 0.5(sum of parallel sides)*height

What is the area of trapezoid TRAN?

38 square units

What is the area of trapezoid TWER?

120 square units

What is the area of this trapezoid 7 m 4 m?

Area of a trapezoid in square units = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

What is theformula for are for trapezoid?

Do you mean the area of a trapezoid if so then the formula is:- Area measured in square units = 0.5*(sum of the parallel sides)*height

Do you use units or square units when you find the area of a trapezoid?

You always use square units when measuring area.