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Formula for Area of A Triangle: 1/2 b x h (1/2 the base times the height).

The answer will be written in the name of the units squared.

Example: A triangle has a base of 10 inches and a height of 3 inches.

base: 10in height: 3in So, 1/2 b x h: 5 x 3= 15 inches squared (Can also be written as 15 inches with a small exponent two.)

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Q: What is the area of the triangle base is x plus 8 and height is 6?
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What is the third side of a triangle if the area is 39squared and the base measures h plus 7 and the height measures h?

The base is 13 units and the height is 6 units so use these dimensions to determine the 3rd side of the triangle.

What is pythagarous theorm?

That for any right angle triangle the length of its hypotenuse when squared is equal to the of length of the base when squared plus the length of the height when squared:- a2+b2 = c2 where a and b are the base and the height of the triangle and c is its hypotenuse.

A triangular shaped yard has a base of 25 meters and a height of 12 meters what is the area?

well first off to get area in a triangle, you must multiply base X height so..... 25 X 12 = 300 sincerely the math armies' 325th platoon skull-plus

What is a Pythagorean relationship for a triangle?

Pythagoras' theorem states that in a right angle triangle the lenght of the hypotenuse when squared is equal to the height squared plus the base squared. a2+b2 = c2 whereas a = height, b = base and c = hypotenuse

What are some pre-algebra formulas?

For circle area: pi times radius squared. For circle circumference: 2 times pi times radius, for Square area: take the length of one side (doesn't matter which one because they are all equal) and square the number. For parallelogram area: take the base (bottom) and times it by the height (usually going up the middle.) For triangle area: take half of the base or height and times it by the whole base or height. For trapezoid area: the equation is half ( a side plus b side) times height. for rectangle area: width times height.

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What is the third side of a triangle if the area is 39squared and the base measures h plus 7 and the height measures h?

The base is 13 units and the height is 6 units so use these dimensions to determine the 3rd side of the triangle.

How do you find the height of triangle when base is h plus 5?

Take the base and add 5.

How can you find the base of a right triangle when you have the height and hypotenuse?

The square of the length of the base plus the square of the length of the height will equal the square of the length of the hypotenuse of your right triangle, per Pythagoras. Square the hypotenuse, subtract the square of the height, and then find the positive square root of that and you'll have the base of your right triangle.

How do you create triangle circle and rectangle classes derived from a base class shape with virtual area function in c plus plus?

#include<iostream> struct shape { virtual double area () const = 0; }; struct triangle : shape { triangle (double b, double h): base (b), height (h) {} double base, height; double area () const override { return base * height / 2; } }; struct circle : shape { circle (double r): radius (r) {} double radius; double area () const override { return 4 * atan(1) * radius * radius; } }; struct rectangle : shape { rectangle (double w, double h): width (w), height (h) {} double width, height; double area () const override { return width * height; } }; int main() { triangle t (10, 5); std::cout << "triangle with base " << t.base << " and height " << t.height << " has area " << t.area() << std::endl; circle c (5); std::cout << "circle with radius " << c.radius << " has area " << c.area() << std::endl; rectangle r (10, 5); std::cout << "rectangle with width " << r.width << " and height " << r.height << " has area " << r.area() << std::endl; }

How do you find the area of a triangle whose base is 2x plus 3 and the height is 3x - 1?

You probably know that the area of any triangle is (1/2) x (base) x (height).Take that formula, substitute (2x+3) in the place where it says "base", andsubstitute (3x-1) in the place where it says "height". Then do the multiplication,and you'll have a tidy expression for the area of your triangle.Of course, it'll still have an "x" in it, as well as an "x2", but you should expect that.If the base and the height both depend on the value of 'x', then naturally the areamust also depend on the value of 'x'.

What is pythagarous theorm?

That for any right angle triangle the length of its hypotenuse when squared is equal to the of length of the base when squared plus the length of the height when squared:- a2+b2 = c2 where a and b are the base and the height of the triangle and c is its hypotenuse.

A triangular shaped yard has a base of 25 meters and a height of 12 meters what is the area?

well first off to get area in a triangle, you must multiply base X height so..... 25 X 12 = 300 sincerely the math armies' 325th platoon skull-plus

What is a Pythagorean relationship for a triangle?

Pythagoras' theorem states that in a right angle triangle the lenght of the hypotenuse when squared is equal to the height squared plus the base squared. a2+b2 = c2 whereas a = height, b = base and c = hypotenuse

Surface area and volume of a right prism?

The surface are of a right prism is equal to twice the area of its base plus the perimeter of the base multiplied with the height of the prism. The volume can be determined by multiplying the Area of the base by the height of the prism.

What are some pre-algebra formulas?

For circle area: pi times radius squared. For circle circumference: 2 times pi times radius, for Square area: take the length of one side (doesn't matter which one because they are all equal) and square the number. For parallelogram area: take the base (bottom) and times it by the height (usually going up the middle.) For triangle area: take half of the base or height and times it by the whole base or height. For trapezoid area: the equation is half ( a side plus b side) times height. for rectangle area: width times height.

What does the pythagorean theorem tell you?

In a right angle triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to height squared plus base squared

Find the area of a rectangle that has a base of 5 m and a height of 4a plus b m?

Area = base * height = 5*(4a + b) m2 = (20a + 5b) m2