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Q: What is the artistic design that repeats a geometrical pattern?
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George Stiny has written: 'Shape' -- subject(s): Art, Design, Geometrical models, Shapes, Mathematics, Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.)

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A type of design that usually repeats in a predictable form is known as?

A pattern. In webdesign: a tile, or tileable image (texture, vector, etc).

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What designates a?

A design is the creation of a plan for the construction of an object or a system artistic plan of a pattern. Design has different connotations in different fields. In some cases the direct construction of an object. Visual Artistics: Top notch website design company based in Singapore

What is mirror repeat pattern?

A mirror repeat pattern is a design motif that is mirrored or reflected along a central axis. This creates a symmetrical and balanced pattern that repeats seamlessly. Mirror repeat patterns are often used in textiles, wallpapers, and other decorative applications.

What do you call the principle of art that repeats the same kind of movement in art?

Pattern-is created through the repetition of the design element.movement-is created when a design element directs the viewers eyes in a direction usually to a focal point.The 7 design elements are:line, shape, form, texture, value, space, and colorThe 7 design principles are:balance,unity,emphasis,contrast,pattern,movement, and rhythm........

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The design of community projects with artistic intent

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David K. Teertstra has written: 'Teaching geometry, tilings and patterns to children' -- subject(s): Study and teaching (Elementary), Geometry, Pattern perception, Geometrical constructions, Design

What does design protection mean?

Design can be protected by a design patent, and often copyright. It depends on whether the design is more highly technical (as computer chip design) or artistic (as a wallpaper design).

How were the mycenaeans influence by the Minoans?

They borrowed from the Minoan culture of Crete and they also adapted the Minoan from writing and artistic design