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Q: What is the as a distinct in which year?
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Poland experiences 6 distinct seasons throughout the year.

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Lithium was found (i.e. first chemically identified as a distinct element) in the year 1817.

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There are 34650 distinct orders.There are 34650 distinct orders.There are 34650 distinct orders.There are 34650 distinct orders.

Why Indians are prefering international cuisine?

With 36 distinct languages + 8 distinct religions + 7 distinct ecological zones + 7 distinct agricultural areas + 24 distinct races + 90% of all plant & animal species + 5000 year history + 1.2 billion people ....... Indian food is bound to be diverse. Indian cuisine dates back thousands of years and consists of thousands of regional cuisines. Enjoy! .

What is the distinct of a chameleon?

"Distinct" is an adjective meaning different or separate. A chameleon does not have a distinct because a distinct isn't a thing that an animal can have.

What was the year hydrogen was discovered?

Hydrogen was officially recognized as a distinct element in the year 1766 by Henry Cavendish. However, its presence had been observed and described by various scientists before that.

What is a good sentence for distinct?

that animal is distinct.

What is the opposite of distinct?

The antonym of distinct is indistinct.

What is the opposite of the word distinct?


How many distinct factors does 45 have?

Six distinct factors Two distinct prime factors

What part of speech is the word distinct?

Distinct is an adjective. "Rotten milk gives off a distinct odor."