Lower case 'x' is 120 (decimal) or 1111000 (binary) in the ASCII character table.
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 is all the alphabet turned into ASCII first decimal then ASCII. Hope you find it useful.
You can are ASCII-tabellen. For converting binary to text
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
Lower case 'x' is 120 (decimal) or 1111000 (binary) in the ASCII character table.
In decimal it is 170. It is the ASCII code for the ¬ character.
In binary: 10100010 11101010 11010010 11011100 11011100 00000000 In hexadecimal: 0x5175696E6E00 10100010 = 0x51 = 'Q' (ASCII character code 81 decimal) 11101010 = 0x75 = 'u' (ASCII character code 117 decimal) 11010010 = 0x69 = 'i' (ASCII character code 105 decimal) 11011100 = 0x6E = 'n' (ASCII character code 110 decimal) 11011100 = 0x6E = 'n' (ASCII character code 110 decimal) 11011100 = 0x00 = 0 (ASCII character code 0 decimal - null-terminator)
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 is all the alphabet turned into ASCII first decimal then ASCII. Hope you find it useful.
Capital H has an ASCII Code of 72 in Decimal. In Binary that is 1001000. In Hexadecimal it is 48. In Octal it is 110. For a small h it is Decimal 104, Binary 1101000, Hexadecimal 68 and Octal 150.
Lowercase z is 122 decimal, 7a hex and 1111010 binary.
That depends what you mean by "B", and what you mean by "binary code" assuming that by "binary code", you actually mean a binary representation of it's ascii value, then the answer is 1000010. The ascii value of the character "B" is 66 in decimal, which is 1000010 is that value in binary. If on the other hand, you mean "what is the binary value of the hexidecimal number B?", then the answer is 1011.
ASCII refers to the characterset. So the ASCII code of 'd' is 'd' If you meant binary code it is: 01100100
You can are ASCII-tabellen. For converting binary to text
Upper case U in ASCII/Unicode is binary 0101011, U is code number 85. Lower case u in ASCII/Unicode is binary 01110101, u is code number 117.
In binary, "db" would be represented as "01100100" when converted from ASCII to binary. Each character is assigned a unique binary code according to the ASCII standard.
Stored? It would not be stored as ASCII -- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is in common use in the US (EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code is another type of ASCII and is used in many European countries.)My name is, for example, Bill TheCat - TheCat is my surname and is represented (not stored) in ASCII as "TheCat". Computers store data as 0s and 1s (in BINARY, which is not the same as EBCDIC) format.