

What is the atomic mass for SO?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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Q: What is the atomic mass for SO?
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What is the atomic mass of nitrogen?

The atomic mass of nitrogen is approximately 14.01 atomic mass units.

Why atomic mass is called relative atomic mass?

Atomic mass is so small you can't actually measure it. So, just like carbon dating, you have to use a relative mass.

Why is the krypton atomic mass not determined?

The relative atomic mass is 83.798. So where did you get that it is not determined.

Which element has a greater atomic mass?

The element with the greater atomic number will have a greater atomic mass. Atomic mass is the sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom's nucleus, and since the number of protons increases with atomic number, so does the atomic mass.

Iodine atomic number and atomic mass?

The atomic number of iodine is 53, which means it has 53 protons in its nucleus. The atomic mass of iodine is approximately 126.90 atomic mass units.

What is the atomic mass of hilum?

There is no specific element called "hilum," so it does not have an atomic mass. Atomic mass is a physical property of elements on the periodic table.

What is silvers atomic mass?

actually the atomic mass is the same as the amount of protons so if you want to be lazy here are the atomic number (in which is 47 also the same as the atomic mass) and the atomic mass 47, and the number of protons 47.

What is the atomic mass of magnets?

Magnets can be made from many different metals so there is no specific atomic mass.

How do you figure atomic weight?

Atomic mass - Atomic weight are the same , so look at your periodic table and below every element it will give you atomic mass.

When you subtract the atomic number from the atomic mass of any element you get what?

By subtracting the atomic number from the atomic mass of an element, you obtain the number of neutrons in its nucleus. The atomic number represents the number of protons in the nucleus, and the atomic mass includes both protons and neutrons, so the difference gives you the number of neutrons.

What does mass do?

The Atomic Mass is equal to the number of protons plus neutrons. So if you know the atomic number then you can find out the number of neutrons Atomic # is the amount of Protons or Electrons Atomic Mass- Number of protons plus neutrons Atomic Mass-Atomic Number = Amount of neutrons

An atom with an atomic number of 9 and a mass number of 19 would have an atomic mass of what?

To find the atomic mass, subtract the atomic number (protons) from the mass number (protons + neutrons). Atomic mass = Mass number - Atomic number Atomic mass = 19 - 9 Atomic mass = 10amu So, an atom with an atomic number of 9 and a mass number of 19 would have an atomic mass of 10 atomic mass units (amu).