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Q: What is the atomic mass of platinum?
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What is the atomic mass in platinum?

Platinum is a metal element. Atomic mass of it is 195.

What is the atomic mass of Pt?

The atomic mass of platinum (Pt) is approximately 195.08 atomic mass units.

What element has 195 as the atomic mass?

Platinum has the atomic weight (not mass) 195,084.

What is the gram atomic mass of platinum?

Platinum is a meta element. Atomic mass of it is 196.

What is the atomic radius of platinum?

The atomic radius of platinum is about 139 picometers (pm).

What is the number of protons for platinum?

Platinum is a rare element too. Atomic number of platinum is 78.

What is the atomic mass of a platinium?

Platinum is a meta element. Atomic mass of it is 195.

What is the atomic mass of platnium?

Platinum is a metal element. Atomic mass of it is 195.

What is the atomic number and atomic mass of platinum?

The atomic number of platinum is 78, which means it has 78 protons in its nucleus. The atomic mass of platinum is approximately 195.08 g/mol, which is an average of the different isotopes of platinum found in nature.

Platinum atomic mass?

When measuring mass, you need a unit of measurement, not a dimensionless number. In the case of an atom, you would use atomic mass units. Platinum weighs a lot more than 3.25 atomic mass units. It is a heavy metal.

What element has a mass of 190?

The element with a mass of 190 is an isotope of platinum, specifically platinum-190. This isotope is not naturally stable and is radioactive.

What does the number represent in platinum-195?

It represents the atomic number and atomic mass. Mass number is the superscript Atomic number is the subscript