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Depending on the quality of the houses, most houses I see range in the $100 to $175 retail range.

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Q: What is the average cost per square foot for building a house in Utah?
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What is the square footage of Utah?

Utah has a total area of 84,896 square miles. There are 27,878,400 square feet in one square mile. Utah has total area of 2,290,740,249,600 square feet.

What is the average age of house buyers in Utah?

The average age of house buyers in Utah is 28.5 years old. Utah also has the youngest median age in the nation, (the same 28.5 years) the second lowest death rate in the nation (5.6 deaths per 1000 people) and the highest literacy rate (94%).

Number of representatives in Utah's house?

The Utah House of Representatives is the lower house in the Utah State Legislature. The House consists of 75 members elected from legislative districts across the state.

Is the Sugar House neighborhood in Utah a nice one?

The Sugar House neighborhood in Utah is a very old area and has a low crime rate. Job growth and property prices are above the national average. It is a relatively safe and affordable location.

What is the total square miles in Utah?

Utah, USA - 84,904 square miles (USA's 13th largest state).

What is Utah's size in square kilometers?

The size of Utah is 219,887 km²

How many house representatives are from Utah?

Based on the results of the 2010 census, Utah has 4 Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Utah State Legislature is comprised of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The House is composed of 75 elected representatives.

Which states is bigger Delaware or Utah?

Utah is 84,899 square miles. Delaware is only 2,491 square miles. You could fit 34 Delawares inside of Utah!!

How big is Utah in square kilometers?

Utah has a total area of approximately 219,882 square kilometers.

What is the total area of Utah?

Utah County, Utah is 2,141 square miles total. 1,998 square miles in land, and 143 square miles in water. The city of Provo is in Utah County. As of the 2010 census, the population is 516,564.

What is the oldest building in the state of Utah?

the coldest building is the wutayat located in the city

How many square miles is Salt Lake City?

Utah covers 84,899 sq miles (219,887 km²).